
Showing posts from March, 2019

Overview of Info in the Karoo

See  Google Drive folder  for some of the publications mentioned below: Shale Gas Reports:  (Google Drive > 13 Economic ... > Reports on Shale Gas) 1. ASSAf - SA's Techinical Readiness to Support the Shale Gas Industry (2017) - 2. Govt, CSIR and CGS - Shale Gas Development in the Central Karoo: A Scientific Assessment of the Opportunities and Risks (2017) -  - YouTube video (Bob Scholes presentation): 3. Decker (2012) - Investigation of hydraulic fracturing in the Karoo Basin of SA [DMR, CGS and PASA] 4. deWit (2011) - The great shale debate in the Karoo [Aeon] 5. Cole (2011) - Shale gas targets in the Ecca Group of the Main Karoo Basin, SA (SAGA abstract) [CGS] 6. Cole et al. (2011) - Report on the geolog...